It’s great to be home - Walk around the base and Follow up testimonies.
Thank you all so much for praying for us! God is so good and did more than we’d hoped for!
It is so great to see our precious families and spend some cherished time together. It’s times like these when you really count your blessings. I’m straight into taxi driver mode with two teenagers who are fully focused on upcoming exams! Prayer requested for those.
Click the video link below to have a walk around our new mission base!
Will you be coming with us?
Follow up testimonies from last year!
We had the privilege of preaching at the Malava church which we helped plant in December
Those precious souls are really going on with God! Hallelujah
Mercy is still going on with Jesus.
You may remember she had all kinds of demonic troubles and curses. But was set wonderfully free. A new church has sprung up in her neighbourhood now and pastor Simon is doing a great job helping those precious ones
Remember this lady in the red?
She had bought a bag of poison and was on her way home to kill herself.
She stumbled into our tent, found Jesus and gave me her bag of poison.
A year later she is in church, doing well, and even has her own business!!!!
God is so good!
We have seen Him repeatedly touch so many lives, heal so many people the testimonies are growing each time. Thank you Lord.
These are just a few situations that encouraged me as I followed up on people we previously ministered to.
Every blessing to you all Thank You so much for your prayers, encouragement and also for those who financially support this ministry.
Don’t forget to pray and ask God if you feel led to Join either me on a preaching trip or one of our team trips coming up soon.