Newsletter - Kenya Mission Update 2 - 9th Dec 2021
Malava Tent Meetings
Last week we held a 5 day tent mission in Malava, Kakamega county.
There were many struggles for us in this mission. Some spiritual attacks, some just struggling to adjust to the intense tropical climate. But the fruit was wonderful. A brand new church exists and continues to thrive in a place where people said it couldn’t. The local leaders including Raphael our African director, have carried on with a week of revival meetings. Even more are being added to the number. Praise the Lord!
As I mentioned our bodies struggled to adjust from 0 degrees to 30+ with high humidity. And the worse thing for me personally is the dust. Talk about sore throats and congestion. But also we had the added difficulty of planting a church in an area that had been held firmly by witchcraft for many years. This was seen as a cursed place, and we were on the front line. Alex had various attacks in the night including a voice in his room telling him to get out of Kenya. But God is bigger than any voice hallelujah.
We had at least 78 recorded decisions in this first week. Plus many children witch for some reason they don’t count. And as I say the church have continued with a week of revival meetings adding a lot to those figures.
When I think about the highlights of this week. One thing that will stay in my mind is the amount of demons that would manifest. People came to God as they were and sometimes just through worship they would manifest. We spent a lot of time setting people free which was glorious. The changes were wonderful to see. We saw great healings too, one of which was a woman with an issue of blood, Alex prayed and she was wonderfully set free. Lumps and tumours dissolved innJesus name. And so on, God is so good. There was one woman in particular who I assumed was mentally handicapped, each night we prayed with her and she would get a bit better. Until the last evening when she sat and conversed in here right mind. Of course a highlight for me has to be the amount of salvations we saw in a place like this. This small village was under such an oppressive cloud and yet now seems light and free, there will be an ongoing battle but the victory is already won.
Below I've added some highlight videos incase you didn’t catch them on Facebook.
Thank you so much for your prayers as well as those who supported financially. We certainly could not do what we do without your prayer covering.
I'm still in Kenya doing another week in Eldoret which I’ll update on next week. I’m also hoping to put together plans for the next trip in late January. Please pray for those plans that God will show us where, how and when. And also that God will provide for our ever increasing budgets.
Bless you all in Jesus name
Steve Pilkington
Erecting The Tent For Malava Gospel Crusade| Kakamega, Kenya
Africa knows how to worship
Malava Gospel Crusade Night 1| Kakamega, Kenya (2 mins)
Malava Crusade Night 4 | Kakamega, Kenya (2 mins)
Malava Spirit Baptism
Celebration Service and The Final Night of Malava Crusades! | Kakamega, Kenya
You are the Most Important person in the universe | The Lost Sheep