Prayer Evangelism and Equipping

Newsletter - 24th Jan 2021

operation hope - kenya 21 - mission trip 2021 - jan 2021


Updates from Kenya

operation hope - kenya august 2021

Below are some pictures from 2019 when God sent two of us to Kakamega and Eldoret in Kenya. What we experienced was close to revival and I say that having traveled many times before.

Before I update you on The continued works in Kakamega and Eldoret - Let me remind you about the trip coming up in August 2021

We intend to take our largest team yet to Kenya in August 2021. You could be on this trip if God wills it.

Watch out soon as you will receive an email with a PowerPoint style presentation letting you know where we’ll be going and what we’ll be doing. If you feel led to look into the trip further it will be followed up with a zoom gathering in February with opportunity for Q & A.

Pray for the youths who are planning to come. This is an excellent opportunity fir them to gain new perspectives and see God do amazing things.

Updates from Kakamega

kenya-21 mission trip
kenya-21 mission trip

Bishop Raphael continues to do a wonderful job in Kakamega.

Kakamega has been hit by severe lockdown measures and poverty due to Covid. With limited resources Bishop continues to help those he can. Thanks to you love and blessings we have sent some small gives which has made a big difference to people’s lives.

One family pictured above have been struggling in particular, he was on a motorcycle that was hit by a car. The accident left him paralysed from the waist down. He can’t even control his movements. They are trying to raise money to get him an operation, we were able to make a small contribution so far. Keep these precious ones in your prayers. There is so much need in so many lives.

We are praying for a healing miracle to take place.

Updates from Eldoret

kenya-21 mission trip
kenya-21 mission trip
kenya-21 mission trip
kenya-21 mission trip

Pastor Simon, his family and the Hope of Glory Church, working in Eldoret.

Pastor Simon is such a humble man with a genuine heart for the lost, as well as the poorest of the poor. As well as raising up a church in Eldoret he will often be found in the slums outside the city, feeding those most in need.

We don’t have much funding to go around, however we send him money each month which he puts to great use. You can see in the pictures above, the weekly outreach work in the slums.

Your gifts are not only feeding the poor but leading people to Christ. Thank you so much.

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Credit: Free African Sunset Stock Photo by b00ber from FreeImages