Operation Hope - Testimonies
Lauren McCulloch recommends Operation Hope
Joining the Operation Hope team has been amazing! I have seen 55 people that have been saved and so many people being healed. Steve and Andy did lots of powerful messages that have saved so many people and Grace has done amazing social media editing for hours on end. Operation Hope is wonderful, l recommend following them and looking into their work.
22nd July 2021
Andy McCulloch recommends Operation Hope
We’re approaching the end of a really great mission to Kenya with Operation Hope. The deaf hear, the lame walk, many have been healed and more have found the Saviour.
It’s been a privilege and a joy to partner with the other team members, as well as many church fellowships, in preaching the gospel and encouraging faith in Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!
22nd July 2021
Faith Pilkington recommends Operation Hope
I have been on one of Operation hopes mission trips to Kenya and I have seen with my own eyes how God blessed and full of potential this ministry is. I have seen God do amazing miracles including a deaf man hearing, saving a woman’s life from suicide and providing money in such a short time for tents to save lives, I will never forget this trip. One of the best experiences of my life, well worth following, donating and even coming along.
22nd July 2021